Align sales and marketing to drive change from the front
Often sought and rarely achieved, alignment is the holy grail of marketing and sales teams everywhere. It’s these front line teams in your business that have the power to drive real behaviour change in your buyers that turns into increased and predictable revenue.
Remote working, ever-changing market dynamics and even internal politics can make working in sync a challenge. Yet, while both functions think differently and fulfil different roles in a business, a level of symbiosis between sales and marketing is the key to driving growth and revenue.
Bridging the Gap
In this new era of heightened communication, clarity and data, the winners are those that utilise the latest technologies and innovations on offer to streamline their internal processes and better weather these times of economic uncertainty.
Findings from our latest report show that 71% of sales and marketing professionals agree that a lack of coordination between their teams had a negative impact on revenue. When gaps exist between your sales marketing teams, it nurtures a costly inefficiency. Analysis, resources and data are too slow to be shared, causing both teams to waste time searching for the most up to date content.
Business leaders must look to bridge this gap as soon as possible if they are not only to survive the turbulence we are facing in 2023, but to also emerge on the other side with the ability to recover and grow at speed.
A Single Source of Truth
As a result of poor alignment, sales and marketing teams are often left working from separate platforms, causing content to miss the mark and valuable insights to be lost. Salespeople and marketers alike are now looking to Enablement as the solution that helps organisations to overcome this, and many other alignment, obstacles.
‘Enablement’, which has quickly become known across the globe as the key to aligning sales and marketing teams, exists to sit between the two teams. Advancements in AI and automation technology have seen SaaS (software as a service) enablement platforms emerge offering the ideal solution to businesses suffering from common misalignment issues.
Almost half (45%) of UK marketers say that one of the biggest barriers to success is having too much content that is not properly tracked or approved between departments. This contributes to what we call ‘content chaos’, a pain point that negatively impacts both teams.
We found a further 52% of sales and marketing leaders admit that they don’t understand which assets are driving results with potential prospects. When nobody has an overview of which content is delivering results, there is little opportunity to identify winning formulas that can be repeated and shared across the teams for insight and training.
Enablement platforms provide that all-important single source of truth that gives valuable clarity to sales and marketing teams alike. And for the wider business? It drives the bottom line results that leaders strive for, while providing them with insights that aid in strategy and decision-making to drive the business forward. It’s simply no longer something that businesses can afford to overlook.
Enablement on Your Front Lines
Business leaders are starting to wake up to the value of Enablement and the need for sales and marketing alignment.
To navigate the ever changing landscape that is making it almost impossible to plan successfully, it is essential that businesses invest in the right AI-powered technology their marketers and salespeople need. Because regardless of the root cause, overcoming sales and marketing misalignment is necessary to securing long-term success.
Driving real change from the front lines of your business that adds value and has an impact on revenue, requires your sales and marketing teams to be in alignment. It’s a simple solution to a complex issue, but one that is imperative to address sooner rather than later.