
27 July 2021

Create the World’s First Electric Vehicle Emoji for World EV Day 2021
World EV Day founders ABB and Green.TV are issuing an “EVmoji” challenge to participants age 16 and younger to create an electric vehicle emoji. The winning design will be submitted to the Unicode Consortium – the consortium that finalizes and produces official emojis.

With passenger EV sales set to increase sharply in the next few years, rising from 3.1 million in 2020 to 14 million in 2025¹, World EV Day is inviting young people to create an EV emoji highlighting this exciting sustainable mobility future.

Because an official emoji representing EVs does not currently exist, ABB and Green.TV are issuing a challenge to the next generation of EV drivers to design what the companies are calling an EVmoji, the world’s first EV emoji icon.

Frank Muehlon, President of ABB’s E-mobility Division, comments: “World EV Day has become an important event to ABB as we continue to raise awareness around e-mobility and the value of enabling a low-carbon future. But just as importantly, we see this event as helping to engage the passion and creativity of the future generation of drivers.

“Launching an EV emoji challenge within the context of World EV Day offers the perfect opportunity to bring young people into the excitement and momentum around electric vehicles, long before they make purchasing decisions. We are calling creative kids everywhere to the electrifying world of EVs.”

The EVmoji challenge is open to entrants between the ages of 6 and 16. All EVmoji drawings, pictures or digital graphics must be posted publicly by August 20th via a personal or parent’s Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn or Twitter with the hashtag #EVmoji.

The winner will be contacted by World EV Day representatives via Direct Message on the social account from which they entered the challenge. The winning design will be announced on World EV Day (September 9, 2021).