Scholarships at ESMT Berlin empower female executives

Beatrix Becker, Head of Business Development at ESMT Berlin
The global business perspective, backed by scientific findings, emphasises the importance of gender equity in board positions. For example, companies with diverse boards tend to outperform those that are less diverse.
However, when it comes to top management, expert knowledge and ability as criteria are outweighed by experience, trust, and politics. Lifelong learning and development are the basic layers for successful leaders of all genders, but unconscious biases play a major role when a board invests in its succession. Transitioning from middle to top management is an extreme challenge to overcome, still, men tend to succeed more than women.
In a very complex net of interrelated variables, there is one a certain business school in Germany can influence: professional excellence in leadership and executive management.
ESMT Berlin, a global business school based in the heart of the German capital, is offering several scholarships in executive education to promote women in C-level and advanced management positions. This is part of ESMT Berlin’s dedication to supporting improved diversity, equity, and inclusion in higher education and the global business community, the school
A total of 10 scholarships are to be awarded for three flagship programmes: Bringing Technology to Market, Executive Transition Program, and the General Management Seminar.
In particular, the scholarships are aimed at women excelling in senior leadership positions and preparing for a top management position, especially those responsible for a corporate division or with global responsibility in B2B sales. By offering financial assistance and academic resources, ESMT Berlin aims to encourage more women to step into leadership roles and make impactful contributions in their respective industries.
Here are further details on the scholarships being offered:
Bringing Technology to Market (BTM)
General Management Seminar (GMS)
Top managers can find themselves dealing with the interests of customers, suppliers, employees, investors, and the company. Constant challenges also present themselves in the form of globalisation, digitalisation and new technologies, sustainability and the constant increase in competition. Top managers are expected to identify these trends at an early stage and respond to them to ensure the stability of the company is secured.
This seminar aims to prepare participants for this responsibility and is particularly suitable for women who have proven leadership qualifications and come from private and public companies or non-profit institutions.
Two full scholarships of €20,500 each and two partial scholarships of €10,250 each
Application deadline: March 17, 2024
The BTM programme is designed to provide managers in technology-driven B2B markets with the knowledge and concepts they need to develop growth plans and mitigate risk. Responding to the demands of the global business world, the modules comprise an international group of participants and are run in the three major business regions of the United States, China, and Europe.
This programme is particularly suitable for women who manage a business unit or regional subsidiary, are responsible for a new product, market, or service, and are employed by a large global or regional corporation.
Two partial scholarships of €7,300 each
Application deadline: March 31, 2024
Executive Transition Program (ETP)
The ETP prepares experienced senior-level managers and functional executives for the next stage of their career: transition to general management. Advancing to the highest levels of an organisation represents a major shift in responsibilities. It demands a new way of business thinking, advanced managerial skills and technical knowledge, as well a fundamental change in the way that you lead yourself and others.
This programme is particularly suitable for women who are about to assume, or have recently assumed, a senior executive position and who are entrepreneurial and responsible for results. This includes those who manage a business unit or regional unit, are responsible for a new product launch, a market, or an important project, or operate globally and regionally in large companies.
Two full scholarships of €28,600 each and two partial scholarships of €14,300 each
Application deadline: August 18, 2024
These scholarships are needed because top managers start on different levels: companies in an early or very advanced stage of maturity, in economic struggles, tend to cut development budgets first instead of investing in their people. Some small global businesses and corporations headquartered outside Europe cannot afford business school prices so we support their female leaders to be promoted to board positions.
We want to increase the chances for women to reach those scarce board positions, which also benefits companies in challenging situations. Scholarships can work against biases and create awareness amongst the highly educated business community. Offering these scholarships can also help women to outperform in competition; important for helping women in business to grow and receive trust and recognition regardless their gender.