
The Innovative Software Changing Automotive Companies 

The automotive industry is a technologically-advanced and highly complex field requiring specialised software for designing, developing, and producing vehicles. Thus, automotive engineers rely on various software programs to carry out their tasks, from prototype design software to computer-aided design (CAD) software, simulation tools, and more. This article will look into the most innovative software-changing automotive companies.

1.Jama Software

Jama Software is a leading management software for complex products and systems. It’s the definitive system for product development and is very useful for developing vehicles in the automotive industry. The software’s innovative modern requirements and test management solutions help automotive companies to accelerate car development, mitigate risk, minimise complexity, and verify regulatory compliance. 

Jama improves innovation and allows easy collaboration during automotive product development. It helps to simplify functional safety and improves development cycles across a more elaborate supplier ecosystem.

Product development in automotive requires the use of software designed for compliance. Jama is well-established for this. It includes vital frameworks supporting the safety-critical standards and regulations in automotive product development.

Automotive is an increasingly competitive, complex, and fast-evolving industry. Because of this, automotive engineers have to turn to software solutions capable of meeting the industry’s complex requirements.

Aside from automotive product development, Jama can also offer benefits in many other aspects of the industry. It can improve efficiency in operations, identify risk, and search for opportunities to innovate. In addition, companies can use Jama to coordinate engineers, stakeholders, partners, etc.


DOORS is a shortened term for Dynamic Object-Oriented Requirements System. It’s one of the leading management tools that allows for easy capture, tracing, analysing, and managing changes to information, making it a vital tool in automotive. Controlling requirements is the key to reducing production costs, improving efficiency, and enhancing product quality. 

With DOORS, automotive companies can optimise requirements collaboration, communication, and verification through the organisation across the supply chain. The application can run on Linux and Windows Systems and has a built-in database, offering rich features to help manage production requirements.

DOORS is a multi-platform management tool designed to capture, trace, link, analyse, and manage diverse graphical and textual information to meet the project’s compliance, standards, and requirements.

DOORS allow automotive manufacturers to link requirements and design specifications directly to their implementations tool. It allows them to toggle between various stages of productive development, where you can perform functions like view, modify, add, or delete a requirement.

IBM DOORS is a proven management solution for projects in automotive and other industries with strict regulatory guidelines. The staff of automotive companies can rely on DOORS for complex projects. DOORS can perform several functions for analysing and documenting coverage, from test results to high-level requirements.


Nowadays, there are several innovative software changing the way automotive companies operate. But for companies to benefit from these tools, they must hire an expert who can help integrate these tools into their system. Automotive businesses should consider working with companies recruiting automotive programming engineers who can help assist with software changes. Aside from those already mentioned, another software that automotive companies can benefit from is Valispace.

Valispace is a web-based platform that automotive engineers can use for collaborative engineering, allowing them to share and manage automotive designs and requirements. It can also help them test data in a secure and centralised environment. Generally, Valispace is efficient at managing a more complex system. Aside from the automotive industry, automation and robotics are two other industries that can benefit from Valispace. 

Another benefit of using Valispace is it can integrate well with other tools used in automotive industries, thanks to its open Rest API, which means it can handle even the most crucial automotive engineering data. 

Valispace helps teams to collaborate efficiently and effectively. It also minimises the risk of errors, improving the overall quality of automotive engineering processes. 

But as with any tool, Valispace can come with limitations. Since it is web-based software, it will not be suitable for teams working in places with low internet connectivity. In addition, it will not have the same level of 3D modelling and simulation capabilities compared to the specialised CAD software.


ANSYS functions as a simulation tool providing a range of functions for performing simulations in the automotive industry, from electromagnetic simulations to finite element analysis and fluid dynamics. Many automotive companies use the software for analysing and simulating the performance and components of a vehicle. 

ANSYS offers a comprehensive software platform spanning the entire range of engineering, offering access to any field that a design process needs. Organisations worldwide rely on ANSYS to offer the best value for engineering simulation.

Being a powerful simulation tool, ANSYS can handle numerous physics-based issues, offering accurate results and insights into the vehicle’s performance and automotive systems. Unfortunately, ANSYS can be a complex software, requiring a steep learning curve for new users. In addition, it is proprietary software, making it expensive to acquire and maintain.


Automotive companies looking for more user-friendly and easy-to-use software may want to look into SolidWorks, a powerful 2D and 3D product development tool accessible to any business, including those in the automotive industry. Many companies in the automotive field trust SolidWorks solutions to help them collaborate, create, and deliver innovative product experiences.

SolidWorks is a 3D CAD software companies use to design and produce automotive systems and components. It offers various tools for 3D analysis, modelling, and simulation. For those in the automotive industry, SolidWorks can be useful for designing assemblies and sheet metal parts.

One of the benefits of using SolidWorks is that it’s user-friendly. Therefore, it is easy to learn, making it suitable for small to medium-sized companies. Another benefit is that SolidWorks enable users with powerful design workflows. In addition, it is mobile-ready and browser-based, making it easier for everyone to use in creating cutting-edge products. 

The only downside is it may not come with all the advanced features that large automotive companies need. Therefore, it’s best suited for smaller companies.