
May 11, 2022 :London, UK – Viridios AI (“Viridios” or “the Company”), a global leader in AI-driven carbon  market intelligence, has launched its VAI platform, providing Voluntary Carbon Market  (VCM) participants with complete and dynamic carbon market intelligence on a single  dashboard for the first time. 

The Taskforce on Scaling Voluntary Carbon Markets estimates that the market for carbon  credits could be worth $50 billion as soon as 2030 and could remove more than 2.0  gigatons of carbon dioxide (GtCO2) annually, to help limit global warming to 1.5 degrees.  However, without diversity and liquidity, Voluntary Carbon Markets will be unable to scale  to the requisite size to support the transition to net-zero. 

VAI’s MARKS, one of two modules available on the platform, is a first of its kind pricing tool  that delivers dynamic pricing for specific carbon projects at vintage level, allowing market  participants access to the information and transparency required to transact.  MARKS’ dynamic pricing is informed by Viridios AI’s AI neural pathways trained on five  years of historical trading data, along with thousands of data points gleaned from  Compliance Carbon Markets, systemic economic conditions, benchmarks including  energy markets and proprietary trading data. 

Beyond pricing, VAI’s platform provides the complete carbon offset project information  the market requires to transact. On a single platform, market participants can see  modules including end of day marks and project details, cutting out hours of work that  are often required to source this information. 

Viridios AI CEO Marcelo Labre said: “Viridios AI is building the Bloomberg of the Voluntary  Carbon Markets – an essential tool for all market participants, delivering the organised  and verified information they need to participate in the market and make investment  decisions with confidence. 

“The highly fragmented and unregulated nature of the VCM, low liquidity with the  majority of transactions conducted over-the-counter, and valuation methodology  discrepancies, result in a lack of transparency. 

“The value discovery that MARKS and the VAI platform provide is crucial to remove these  obstacles and helping to attract a more diverse set of participants to the carbon market,  which will stimulate activity and result in a more robust and investable asset class” Viridios AI CTO Bertrand Le Nézet said: “Uniquely, the technology underpinning the VAI  platform combines the dynamic insights from our AI models, with thousands of public  and private data points at a project level. VAI analyses and organises this data to provide  the full suite of actionable carbon market intelligence on a single dashboard.” 

Viridios AI’s technology and valuation methodology are validated through exclusive  partnerships with S&P Platts on the AI-powered Platts CARBEX Carbon Credit Indices  (powered by Viridios AI) and by Mobius Risk Group which uses VAI data to track clients’  carbon footprint and provide real-time valuation of carbon offset portfolios.

Currently, the VAI platform covers many of the world’s most traded and investible carbon  offset projects. The Company expects to have thousands of projects listed within months.  MARKS provides pricing data on a subset of these projects with new projects added each  week. VAI is the only platform that provides subscribers with pricing and intelligence  

representative of the entire VCM, covering a broad cross-section of both technology and  nature-based projects.  

VAI also assesses the co-benefits of a project – the contributions it makes toward the 17  UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), providing an additional layer of analysis  demanded by market participants.