In this article, I have called them capitalists, but you may also call them “monetizers,” “rapists,” “slobs,” “needy,” “robbers,” or just capitalists. A capitalist is that rarest of creatures: an individual risk-taker, who creates value, multiplies, and lasts, not only for him but also for society, humanity, nature, the world, and the future. The term “capitalist” describes those people who create value and who multiply it through the process of creation and growth.
There are many definitions of capitalism. Most people think of a pure capitalism as an economy in which all property is owned by the government. This definition ignores the fact that individuals, both capitalists and non-capitalists, own property in the form of land, buildings, and machinery. The best definition of capitalism, as far as I can see, is the economy in which property is owned by a group of private owners and their institutions.
The importance of private property is so significant that we use the term “capitalism” to describe it, whereas if we were to use the word “socialism,” we would refer to the opposite. That’s why, when someone says, “I am a capitalist,” they are saying that they own a piece of property that produces surplus value for others.
All productive forces, including land, labor, factories, machines, and raw materials, are owned by the owners of those productive forces. All labor, whether skilled or unskilled, is the work of the owners. All wealth, whether produced by labor or capital, is created by the owners. Therefore, in the present day, all economic activity, both social and private, is the result of the work of owners.
Owners are able to do this because they own the means of production. They own the instruments of production, including machinery, raw materials, buildings, etc. The owners also own the products, or services, which they produce. And they own the means of communication, which includes electricity and the Internet. They are able to organize their affairs in such a manner that their relationships with each other are based on trust, rather than compulsion.
But they need to establish business relationships in order to do so. For example, they need to establish business relationships with each other in order to obtain resources, labor, and capital, from others. Owners also need to develop relationships with government entities and other private owners. These relationships, however, are founded upon the idea of exchange.
Exchange is the exchange of one thing for another. In simple terms, it means that the one you exchange for is a more valuable than the other, so that you get something for nothing. If you are a producer of widgets, then you must be willing to sell widgets at a higher price than the ones you get for selling widgets.
But what does a capitalist do to get to be one? He uses his money and his productive forces. In order to make a profit.
What’s involved here is the exchange of one commodity, or service, for another. However, the exchange process does not stop here, because the money is the means of exchange. It is the medium through which the exchange takes place.
It is this means of exchange that is used in determining the value of a commodity, as well as how much one commodity should cost, in relation to another. This is why it is necessary to determine the market price of the product before the commodity is exchanged.
It is this market price that is then used as the basis for determining the value of a commodity, the amount that the commodity is worth in relation to another. This value determination is the basis for profits and losses that result from the sale of goods. and services to one trader, or seller.
The value determination of the market price is based upon a number of factors. Some of these include factors such as the use to which the good or service is put to use, the amount of labor and skill required to produce it, the time required to produce it, the competition and reputation of the seller, the reputation of the buyer, the amount of knowledge required to properly produce it, and other things of that nature. The market price is the value that will be determined if a product is to be sold.