What exactly is a surname? A surname, otherwise known as the personal name of an individual, is the name of a group of individuals or family members. In other words, when you look up a person’s name in a directory, what you’ll see is the name of their parents, grandparents and great grandparents, if applicable. Sometimes, you might be asked to fill out a questionnaire so that the records database will know who you are, your family history and other information about you. So what does this all mean?
Identity and history are much more complicated than this. When you look up someone’s name in a book of records, chances are that the name is listed using the first and last name. So what is a surname, and what does it mean?
A surname, also called the personal name of an individual, is simply the name that an individual or a group of individuals were given at birth. So, if you aren’t sure of the spelling of a person’s name, check the name of the family and the spelling of their first and last names. If the name has several letters, you might try to search for alphabetically by the beginning letter. Or if you want to find out whether a name contains an “r”, just type the first few letters of the name, like “Alfred”Alfred Roy”.
Another way to find out more about a person’s surname is to check his or her birth certificate. This might help you find out whether the name you see on the birth certificate matches your records.
To know more about a person’s name and his or her past, you may want to check with the person’s family members. Ask them how he or she was named, or where he or she was born, where the name was derived from, and other important details about him or her. Do not forget to ask for copies of old marriage and birth certificates. Even if the person has changed his or her name, it may still have an effect on your records. As long as the person’s family has information about him or her, you’ll be able to access his or her name.
If you cannot find any old documents in the family, you might be able to search online for them. There are many directories that allow you to search for someone’s name in their online records and find out more about his or her identity.
You should also check your state’s public records databases, which are updated regularly. The State Department of Health keeps a database of vital records, which lists every name in the United States.
Finally, you should check the Social Security card of any person in your life. Sometimes you might be able to find out more about a person by just finding out his or her name. Your Social Security card is your only real tool to locate someone, but it may be easier to find out what he or she was called before getting the card. A Social Security card may contain the person’s full name, address, age, gender, previous addresses and other information.
There are a couple of ways you can use your social security number to find out more about a person. If you were looking for a relative recently, you can try searching for that person using the SSN in an online search.
Other people can find out what a person’s last name is through social media. They can search using the person’s name on Facebook, Twitter or other social networking sites.
By learning more about the last name of a person you know, you will be able to find out what his or her full name was and where he or she was born. The information you have found out about the last name of a person will give you more reasons to remember and appreciate the person and want to keep in touch with him or her.