
LONDON will become the epicentre for gamified simulation training provider Attensi to deliver its plan to become a world leader in corporate learning and development, says co-CEO Trond Aas.

The company, which is led by renowned gaming entrepreneurs Trond Aas and Anne Lise Waal, has witnessed recent strong 54% YoY revenue growth and now plans to grow its UK business further in 2021 to become its centre of international expansion and take its global workforce from 125 to well over 200 by 2022.

Counting Daimler Mercedes Benz, Merck, Circle K, BCG, and ASDA among its global customer base, Attensi helps organisations make transformational changes through gamified simulation training. The team uses a mix of technology from the world of video gaming and insights from workplace psychology to train people via immersive, 3D simulations of their workplace and work processes. These can be played on mobile devices, VR headsets, and through web browsers anywhere in the world.

Anne Lise Waal, CTO and co-CEO at Attensi said: “Typically, the only way large organisations can train their staff is via classroom training, passive videos, or linear e-learning. These are often a tick-box exercise for the learner, and don’t measure someone’s real understanding or give any sense of the impact on the business.

“It is proven that virtual simulations help people master even the most complex of tasks. These techniques have been used by surgeons and fighter pilots for years. Our technology and all its interactive capabilities bring these same simulation principles to all industries and job roles.

“We have taken world leading gaming technology and fused it with deep insights from human psychology and behavioural science studies to accurately mimic the real-life scenarios people face in their day-today roles. These can be used to lead a new joiner through anything; from how to properly serve a customer in a coffee shop to spotting safety hazards on a container ship.”

Covid-19 has led to a massive shift in how people work, and remote learning has become a necessity for many organisations in 2020. As such, Attensi has worked with many organisations to take their training into a ‘new next gen’ era, including Circle K which were able to run Covid-19 training to more than 3,000 staff throughout Europe in less than a week using Attensi’s solutions.

Co-CEO Trond Aas, says: “This is how responsive CEOs need to be in today’s climate. The enemy is also the status quo in the current global pandemic, so leaders have been forced to rethink hard and fast on how to react to change yet maintain all the best parts of corporate culture. We are prepared for our new generation of learning solutions to explode in demand next year, giving Attensi a huge opportunity for global growth.

“London and the UK represents our gateway to the world, it’s full of global companies. So, for us it’s a move into the global market from Norway and our next move will be into the US, where we now have a California base. We are securing many large corporations already in North America from our offices in London and Oslo.”

Attensi has delivered Gamified Simulation Training in more than 100 countries, in 20 languages, and employs over 125 staff. Its clients are global corporate blue chip companies in health care, pharmaceutical, financial or professional services, retail and service, manufacture, shipping, offshore and transport, as well as public and third sectors.
